I know you have time for two sweaters.

In some ways, the concepts of decluttering and simplifying are synonymous. But sometimes the idea of "simplifying" can feel a little more, er, simple to achieve. Perhaps the word itself allows us to break down the whole concept a little more easily. After all, what we're after with decluttering is a simpler existence, a simpler path, a simpler life. 

And what does a simpler life actually feel like?

For starters, simplification leads to greater control (fewer things to keep track of) and more freedom (from every thing and every responsibility you've discarded)...inevitably followed by relief (yesssss).

Simplification can happen easily -- and sometimes effortlessly. 

Here’s my 2-step process:

Step #1: a realization and/or a desire.

Step #2: an action and/or a mindset shift.

That’s it.

I’ll share an example from my own life...

I recently switched out my seasonal clothing to discover I somehow owned seven crewneck sweaters, which -- for me -- is at least two too many.

This realization quickly led to the desire to simplify. So, one sweater went directly into the donation box, and the other is going to be sold. Both are out of the closet and out of my life forever. 

That's it! I simplified. I made a teeny-tiny change that makes me feel better, freer, and more in control. It sounds crazy, but even this small increase in having control of my sweaters spreads beyond the realm of closet decluttering and allows me to feel more in control of my life in general! 

Remember: Decluttering/Simplifying isn't just about neat spaces; it's about what those actions afford you...

Those two sweaters reminded me that I'm in charge. I get to choose. I get to take ownership of my things instead of those things owning me. I get to be happy. I get to be free.

Maybe it's two sweaters today, and tomorrow it's a drawer in the living room, and next week it's unsubscribing from three newsletters you could care less about.

Feel the rush, start the practice, reap the rewards. 

I know you have time for two sweaters. If you don't believe me, try it for yourself.

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    Fay Wolf